
February winner of the monthly draw of the Parade Of Nations For The Developmentally Challenged Membership

Darren Bonaparte is the February winner of the monthly draw of the Parade of Nations for the Developmentally Challenged Membership. This month the draw was for a weekend pass for 2 adults and 3 children to attend the Seaway Train Shown - on 18th and 19th of July - 10 am to 4 pm, at the Long Sault Arena. Long Sault a value of $26 donated by The Seaway Lighthouse Third Raid Modular Club, Owner Rudy Tabak, Cornwall On 613-936-6873, www. seaway trainclub.com. Thank you Rudy for your generosity.

To become a member send an e-mail to info@paradeofnations.com

3/18/2015 12:57:36 AM