3rd Annual Kite Festival

On September 15th, Parade of Nations for the Developmentally Challenged, an organization encouraging those with special needs of all ages who are artistically inclined, held its 3rd annual Kite Festival. The event was held at the Bowl (near the Woodhouse Museum), in collaboration with the Cornwall Kite Club and the Kinsmen, during their Fall Fest celebration in Lamoureux Park. Our event sponsor was UPI Snack Shop (on Brookdale Avenue). Our raffle (license No M724817) for a Season's Pass for the Cornwall Colts was won by Raymond Lacroix of Cornwall. The winning ticket was drawn by Brenda Burnie.

Kite Rescue!

Thanks to the kite flying skills of Mahtabuddin Noori, a chivalrous rescue was made of a helpless Barbie kite, which would be stuck at the top of a tree still were it not for his deft kite daring-do. A very happy little girl got her Barbie kite back, and her tears were transformed into a great big smile!

Trophy Winners

Pictures of the winners will be posted soon at www.paradeofnations.com

3rd Annual Kite Festival
The two judges for the event were: Left to right Safdar Chaudry and Mahtabuddin Noori.

10/3/2013 9:17:46 PM