Article by Lise Laverdière
Le Journal de Cornwall
26 October 2011
Raymond Lacroix is a music teacher. He has taught music for seven years at l'École La Citadelle and three years at the St-Laurent school. Since he retired, he is very involved in the community. For four years he has been the director of the Harmonie Seaway Winds where 40 musicians play the flute, piccolo, tuba and percussion. Two years ago the Trillium organization paid $ 28,000 to the organization. Now for four months, Mr. Lacroix is a member of Trillium organization to replace Mr. Gerald Samson who had completed a six year term in April 2011. Mr. Lacroix is also Chairman of the CHOD FM radio board since 18 months. It is also a facilitator for the Ministry of Health with Wood Land Villa, a home for the elderleys. He is the founding coordinator of Audiapason Échecs in Cornwall and Secretary of the Caravan Camp Morrisburg. Finally, Mr. Lacroix has developed the Web design company which produces websites at competitive prices to help small businesses, cultural centers, artists, etc.
Clarinettist , the artist is releasing a second album with pianist Vivianne Panizzon on 27 November 2011. Clarpian Duo-good will present French folklore. The event will be held at the Centre Culturel de Cornwall.