Article by Katina Diep
The Journal Cornwall
May 30, 2012
Apologizing for a disorder that is not one, the artist Gilles Davidson graciously opened the doors of his house, giving way to a series of drawings and engravings of infinitely small lines. The Corrid'Art Gallery of the Centre Culturel de Cornwall will host his creations in June.
After leaving art teaching, the artist spends some of his spare time doing several types of drawing, including ink, his favourite technique. One of the interesting works to observe is that the wooden boat washed up on a shore, a technique approaching the hyper realism, an amalgam of black marks on the bottom off white. "I 'm trying to do things that have lived, coming to an end. A boat that traveled much and now goes back to nature "said Mr. Davidson, describing the theme of the exhibition.
One could say that Mr. Davidson has practiced the art all his life, since the end of the 1960s to today. Having taken Art Education at University of Ottawa and headed for teaching, his pen has never left him.
Depending on the chosen theme, accompanied of some philosophical reflections, the work entitled "Like father, like son," depicting the generations of the male sex, by simple pairs of skates. "My father took me to skate, and I brought my son to skate", said the artist.
Pictorial compositions and photographs of the artist are in black and white, an ingenious selection highlighting a controlled drawing technique more than perfect. Visitors will also enjoy lithographic reproductions, as well as glass sculptures . An exhibition initiating a promising season in the arts.