Carrière Bernard

  • Carrière Bernard

I have been passionate about photography for more than 40 years.  For many years I concentrated on black and white photography.  My wife Helen and I processed everything in our own black & white darkroom.

Having worked for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (based in Paris) for 15 years, I had the opportunity to photograph around the world. After retirement, Helen (who does all of our computer and printing work) and I focused on nature, wildlife and portrait photography.

I believe that photography has two aspects:  documentary and artistic.  We are both involved in artistic fine art photography, where the only limit is your creative imagination.  I am particularly troubled by those who comment "has that been photoshoped"?  That is like asking a film photographer "has that been darkroomed?"

What an artist imagines and pre-visualizes is what all art is about.  Judge the finished product not the means.  Realism is what you want it to be.  Artists from the 19th century on have understood this.

Address: Cornwall
Phone: 613-932-0438