Misconceptions of Poverty

  • Misconceptions of Poverty

This cycle called poverty affects everybody,
As much as some may want to disagree,
"So many people are thinking , It doesn't affect me."
It doesn't live in my neighborhood or in my back yard.
Their eyes are blinded by what they can't see.
Is it because their bellys are full and that they care not to know
what it is like to go to bed hungry, or is it that
they choose not to associate with me or my story.
They close their eyes so not to see a fellow neighbor, struggling to
survive daily.
They choose to think Poverty could never happen to them as it did to me.

Poverty affects us all, and for me, I'm finding it harder to do things as my health
now begins to fall.
Directly and indirectly , it's time that we all answer this call ;
Make Poverty History, Invest in other poor people just like me,
Help me and others to become all that they can be.
Please hear my plea.
Help save others from living in this life of misery we call
"What's that you say? I choose to have my family live in Poverty."
"Absurd," is what I have to say.
I just didn't just wake up one day and say, "Today, I'm just going to work on
living in Poverty."
Poverty, to some people may just be a pay check away, from becoming part
of their daily reality

It's time for a reality check people, remember there are a lot less fortunate
people out there as you are all cashing in your pay cheques.
Check out my wish list .See, if you agree, as I begin to count 1,2,3,.... :

  • I want all of Gods children young & old to be fed.
  • Being able to afford to buy and take their daily meds
  • For everyone to have affordable housing and a roof over their heads
  • For everyone to have decent clothes on their bodies, covering them from their heads to their toes
  • Affordable and reliable daycare for all to share
  • A warm bed to sleep in , Not having to sleep in some make shift bed and having pillows to lay down their head,
  • A chance to learn a new skill or to get affordable education for a job that is worth having, that would cover all their monthly costs.
  • Not having to worry about your family , or freinds , if there alive or dead , after a long and cold winters night.

Let's all come together , and do what's right.
This is not just my plight.Open your eyes to sight to see what I see and you 'll
see that poverty is all around you and me.
Poverty is not free, it's not a choice , it's nothing pretty to live or see.
Hire someone like me and you will see, We're not lazy, as you have perseived
us to be.
We are all Gods children, so the bible tells me
Justice for all, Lord, and to everyone who hears my call
It's time to make Poverty history for all
Lets bring an end to Poverty and all its misconceptions.
That my wish list may be completed someday , by someone , even once I'm gone.
Stand up, take Action, To make poverty history Today, is that day, for all of us to have our say.