Why I’m proud to be Canadian by Sandi Barabas, Grade 5

Shared by Ron Begg of Cornwall

Do you want to know why I’m proud to be a Canadian? Well here it is! I think everybody who lives I Canada is happy! Good health, home, friends and anything great you can think of! There is much more!

A reason why I am happy to be a Canadian is because there is enough food and drinks for me, my family, and everyone else not to starve. A lot of people here, in Canada, are nice, and we all have a great environment to live in. I have a nice, loving, warm, cozy home to live in. I also have a great family that loves me and I love them.

Canada is not a poor country. It has schools for kids like me to get their education. It has food and water for people to drink and eat so they don’t starve. You can see landscapes and buildings you could never have dreamed of! Most of the people are wealthy from what Canada has.

Freedom is the number one reason I am proud to be a Canadian. There are no wars in Canada. We do not have slavery either. Everybody is free to do anything (except for cruel things).

A lot of people in Canada are helpful to animals, people and the environment. Teachers help people get their education. Crossing guards help people all over the world. They help people get across roads and streets. The government helps people with a lot of different things like taxes, stores and resources.

So you know why it’s great to be Canadian eh? Later on I hope I will still be as proud as I am right now. Trust me, it’s great! You should be proud too!