Road House Dancers

  • Road House Dancers

The Roadhouse Dancers are a non-profit group of line dancers who love to dance and perform for people. They have been together for approximately 12 years. They do demos in many retirement and nursing homes in the area including Cornwall, Lancaster, Green Valley, Vankleek Hill, Maurice Grimes Institute for cancer in Ottawa and many more. They also perform at fairs in the area such as the Stormont County Fair, The Williamstown Fair, The Vankleek Hill Fair.

Their team consists of nine dancers, one man and eight women. They are: Kevin Ceasor, Thelma Burnie, Diane Ladouceur, Edith Sturgeon, Nancy Moisan, Gowri Pathmalingam, Joey Prieur, Gail Smart and Lise Seguin.

They also sponsor line dance classes from September to April at the Knights of Columbus at the corner of Second Street East and Amelia Streets. They have two classes starting from 6:30 to 7:30 and 7:45 to 9:00 pm on Mondays.
