The Rez Rydaz

  • The Rez Rydaz

Extract if Indian Time
By Shannon Burns

The Rez Rydaz is an Akwesasne rap group, consisting of solo teen artist Brandon Gambill, Big Worm (Matt Mitchell), Hunter White and Joanie Benedict. The trio came together in 2011. Big Worm had been away at college studying engineering and recording songs under his own name and sending them to CKON 97.3 for playtime. As a result, many community members are familiar with several of his songs, including “G-Snye Love” and “Opportunities Knockin.”

Big Worm started talking with White, who had formed the Rez Rydaz a few years ago without luck in finding other interested and dedicated artists. White and Big Worm then recruited Benedict for vocals and chorus. The group has recorded several songs but they have yet to produce an album for sale. “Just ask us for a copy,” said Big Worm, who said they’ve always just recorded music to give away to their friends, although, they all have the ambition to take their music to a higher level. Big Worm, 28, White, 22, and Benedict, 21, also have an agreement to work on their own individual music if they wish to and work collectively on other music for the Rez Rydaz.
