Levy Earle Joan

  • Levy Earle Joan

The Legacy of C.W. Kyte.

Excerpt of an article by Dawn Ford

It brings back many memories of days gone by for youngsters and teens growing up
in Cornwall.

Joan and her husband bought the store from Reg Kyte in 1988 and called their new store the 'Sanctuary'. The book is also about the years in their store. Joan and her husband Jack, after operating the store for many years, decided to retire in 2004 and closed the Sanctuary.

People called it, 'Kytes'; they would go there to get our textbooks for school. Sometimes a whole bunch of kids would go in at the same time to purchase books. It did not seem overwhelm Reg. He just handled us one by one at his own pace. Sometimes if he could not find something, he would 'disappear', we called it, and then, he would return with whatever it was we had asked for.

The word on the street was that 'Kytes' and Snetzinger's Hardware' 'probably had
it'... whatever it was people were looking for. They were both well stocked and both could find 'it' sooner or later in their stores.

There is a chapter on Kathy McBain who worked for Reg from 1973 to 1988 until the store closed. She must have been a very pleasant and helpful sales lady in the Kyte's store. Nice to see her picture and a write up about her memories when working there.

People loved the Sanctuary. It had, among other supplies, books, artist's supplies, cards,
stationery, pens and the most beautiful selection of the large paper dinner napkins which
was a big treat. Since the store closed people had a hard time getting any gorgeous
napkins like they carried. There are many photos and accounts of days gone by in Cornwall in this wonderful book.

It would to be a nice Christmas present to give to some folks

Thanks, Joan, for bringing back so many great memories.

Article by Adam Brazeau
Seaway News
November 21, 2013

Cornwall - An artist and author with local ties signed copies of her 11th book, which explores the history of Cornwall's downtown business area.

Joan Levy Earle shared the details of her new book, The Legacy of C.W. Kyte. with dozens of readers at Coles Book Store. It all started from an idea at Riley's Bakery, A decade later, Earle explored the rich history of the Kyte's and downtown Pitt Street.

"It was exciting to do the research," said Earle. "I now have a little bit of Cornwall history that was a part of my life, and it's in book form for people to enjoy."

The Kyte's Stationers store opened on April 27, 1889, and more than a century later, its story is being told. Earle, and her husband Jack, bought the store in 1988, and renamed it Sanctuary on Pitt Street.

"It was a very exciting time for us, we really didn't understand what we were buying. It was a book store, but we had a basement full of treasures," said Earle.

The deep impact of the Kyte's and Sanctuary was, obvious as numerous people approached her to discuss cherished Pitt Street memories.

Tom Todd picked up a copy of the book, with his daughter Madison, to support a "local author" that helped his own writing career. "I would go into her store and ask for advice," said Todd. "She helped me edit two of my books, I enjoyed it there, it was like going
into an old general store," He remembered shopping at Sanctuary for writing supplies as early as the '90s,
