Sharrow DL

Indian Time -Vol 27# 43
October 29, 2009

I stand
by DL Sharrow

You silenced my words with the back
of your hand
You made me look down in the dirt
I could look no one in the eye
Kept friends and money from me and
it hurt
Accused me of cheating Took my
babies from my arms
Spit on me and left me with scars
Took away my things Kicked my face
Kept me from my family and Called
me a disgrace
You made me fight for my life My
I now speak for truth and justice
I can help others in their times of
I'm strong enough to help myself and
my children succeed
Child custody laws I can tell others
I learned to better myself and you I
can live without
I have myself to thank for pushing to
I know what its like to fight and
You hush me I speak louder
You cut me down I stand prouder
You refuse to help with the kids
These are my babies and that's how
it is
You push me down Yet now I stand
You're all about control and greed
You hunt me down Yet you never
You will never again raise your hand
to me
I am me, I am happy, and I am free
